Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

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September 25, 2023 | Tom Ballard

T_HQ identifies five tech hubs with great job opportunities

Some on the list might surprise you.

T_HQ is a United Kingdom-based website that covers trends, opinions, insights, and analysis of enterprises and technology from around the world. 

In a recent posting, it spotlighted five U.S.-based tech ecosystems that the online publication described as “ones to watch in terms of the start-up scene offering higher funding opportunities, job opportunities, quality of life, and more.” They were:

  • Miami which T_HQ described as an “ecosystem to watch over the next 36 months, especially in the areas of life sciences and ed tech.”
  • Los Angeles which the publication cited for a number of reasons. They included opportunities within the Metaverse, those disrupting the fintech space, and cleantech, specifically the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator that provides green loans of $25,000 to $250,000 to early-stage green businesses.
  • Seattle which was called out for being the home to some of tech’s most prestigious events including the Venture Capital World Summit, the biannual Seattle Angel Conference, and the GeekWire Summit. There’s also the AWS Impact Accelerator, run by Amazon Web Services.
  • Chicago which grew its number of unicorns year-over-year and remains a hub to watch due to its proximity to several top-tier colleges which means the city offers companies a diverse and enviable talent stream.
  • Washington, DC where T_HQ notes “there’s nothing fast moving” and that is “exactly this type of security that sees it remain one of the U.S. top tech hubs year after year.”

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