Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
August 25, 2020 | Tom Ballard

ORNL showcases Cohort 3 of “Innovation Crossroads” on Day 7 of “36|86 Entrepreneurship Festival”

One of the annual features of Launch Tennessee‘s “36|86 Entrepreneurship Festival” is a showcase featuring participants in the “Innovation Crossroads” program operated by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

During a morning session yesterday, Program Director Dan Miller described the program and noted recruitment for Cohort 5 will begin in less than a month. Applications open September 15 and close October 31. Here’s the fact sheet (Cohort 5 – Applications Open Soon).

Later, Megan O’Connor, a participant in Cohort 2 that just completed their two-year fellowship, moderated a discussion featuring the Cohort 3 start-ups. Pictured here are O’Connor, Chief Executive Officer of Nth Cycle (upper left), Miller (center), and seven members of Cohort 3. Starting with O’Connor and proceeding clockwise, they are: (1) Williams Fitzhugh of American Nanotechnologies Inc.; (2) Hicham Ghossein of Endeavor Composites Inc.; (3) Leila Safavi of Purist Inc.; (4) Jesse Thornburg of Grid Fruit; (5) Alex Lewis of Electro-Active Technologies Inc.; (6) Trevor McQueen of Neptune Fluid Flow Systems; and (7) Jesse Claypoole of MantaPoole Technologies.


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