Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
June 26, 2023 | Tom Ballard

ORNL holding “Technology Innovation Showcase” in mid-July

The all-day event features seven inventions that are supported by ORNL’s Technology Innovation Program which provides targeted investments in new lab-developed technologies to enhance their commercial readiness.

Scientist-inventors from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will present seven new technologies during an all-day “Technology Innovation Showcase” on Friday, July 14.

The event, which begins at 8 a.m. at the Joint Institute for Computational Sciences on ORNL’s campus, will feature inventions that are supported by ORNL’s Technology Innovation Program (TIP) which provides targeted investments in new lab-developed technologies to enhance their commercial readiness. Since 2012, ORNL has invested more than $11 million in 49 projects, resulting in 37 commercial licenses and options with partners ranging from Fortune 100 companies to early-stage startups.

“ORNL’s researchers are creating next-generation technology for buildings, manufacturing, medicine and chemistry,” said Mike Paulus, ORNL Partnerships Director. “The inventions selected for TIP investment show significant potential for commercialization.”

The showcase brings together inventors and commercialization professionals from ORNL with industry representatives for a morning of presentations followed by one-on-one meetings, tours and demonstrations.

The 2023 TIP projects to be presented and their inventors include:

There are both in-person and virtual attendance options. To register, click here.

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