Monday Morning Briefs
Here are some news highlights from Friday and over the weekend that you may not have seen.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory has posted more details about the upcoming Bridging the Gap event in early March. Ten of the 11 technologies that will be presented have been announced. There’s still more information to come including the keynote speaker, according to Tom Rogers, who is organizing the event.
For more information, including the updated agenda, visit this site: http://www.ornl.gov/adm/partnerships/events/bridging_gap2012/
To register, visit this site: https://register.ornl.gov/2012/bridging_gap/
- Jim Frierson reports that Paul Fitzpatrick, CEO of Advanced Catheter Therapies of Chattanooga, is chairing the sixth annual Southeastern Medical Device Association Conference March 13 and 14 at Georgia Tech’s Global Learning Center in Atlanta. More information is available at: http://www.semda.net/pages/conference.php.
- You may not have noticed in some recent postings that Startup Tennessee has launched a new webpage database with listings of new companies by region, industry sector and stage. It’s available at: http://www.startuptn.com/companies/.
- Our neighbors to the south in Bradley County are optimistic about 2012. Doug Berry, Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce Vice President for Economic Development, is predicting a busy year for his county that is already in the spotlight with recent major projects like Wacker and Amazon. For more information, you can read the story on the Cleveland Daily Banner online at http://www.clevelandbanner.com/view/full_story/17389962/article-Busy-economic-development-year-predicted?instance=main_article.
- Meanwhile, Hamblen County had a big announcement this past week. OTICS USA, Inc. in Morristown announced a major expansion that will cost almost $25 million and create 67 new jobs. For more information, you can read the ECD news release: http://news.tn.gov/node/8372 or the story on the Citizen Tribune’s web page: http://www.citizentribune.com/?p=7480.
- Senator Randy McNally and Representative Ryan Haynes have introduced SB2405 and HB2600 respectively that would address one of the top legislative priorities of the three regional chambers (Blount, Knoxville and Oak Ridge) that was summarized in a teknovation.biz post last week. The bill summary is available at: http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/billinfo/BillSummaryArchive.aspx?BillNumber=SB2405&ga=107.
- Many consider Greenville, SC, to be a role model for a community that offers amenities attractive to entrepreneurs. It’s interesting that Greenville is looking at Israel as its model for supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. Read more about it at: http://www.gsabusiness.com/news/42613-panelists-israel-rsquo-s-innovation-success-serves-as-model-for-s-c?rss=0.
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