Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

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March 23, 2023 | Tom Ballard

Lockheed Martin Space creates new division named Ignite

The goal is not to just foster innovation but rapidly mature new technologies through the proverbial "valley of death."

The name aptly describes the focus of this new division at Lockheed Martin Space.

As described in this article from Breaking Defense, Ignite is designed to not just foster innovation but rapidly mature new technologies in order to meet the needs of Lockheed Martin Space’s customers which are the Pentagon, the Intelligence Community, and NASA. It was launched in a small “beta version” last year and has now been populated by combining four separate organizations at Lockheed Martin Space.

“Their whole goal is to get these innovations over the “valley of death,” so that we can then show the customer we’ve got maturity in the systems we come offer to them, so that they don’t have to take the risk,” said Robert Lightfoot, Executive Vice President.

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