KTech hosting 23andMe Vice President at early June event
The Knoxville Technology Council, in partnership with Jewelry Television, will host a free event the afternoon of June 2 that will feature a leading Silicon Valley technologist sharing his experience in developing one of the leading DNA testing services in the country.
Steve Lemon (pictured right), Vice President of Engineering at 23andMe, will be presenting highlights from more than a decade of work in engineering and product development at the company. “Get a behind the scenes look at what it takes to be a successful trailblazer in emerging technology fields,” the EventBrite registration page notes.
Lemon joined 23andMe in 2010 and is responsible for product and engineering. Prior to 23andMe, he was Vice President of Engineering at Loopt and Co-Founder and Vice President of Technology at Glimpse.com.
Check-in and networking begins at 3:30 p.m. with the program scheduled to start at 3:45 p.m. There will also be an expected roughly one hour of networking after the presentation ends. To register, click here. The organizers note that “we are limiting the number of in-person attendees to allow for social distancing. A virtual attendance option is available.”
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