Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

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April 04, 2024 | Tom Ballard

Ford Motor Company focuses on Memphis for its 10th Mobility Challenge

The application deadline is May 10 for the event that seeks mobility solutions in one or more of four areas.

The webpage says it all: “This is your chance to secure a share of over $600k in mobility pilot grants, start-up investment, and comprehensive support.”

Did that grab your attention? No doubt it did.

The event is the Ford Urbanite Memphis Mobility Challenge, the latest from Ford Motor Company that is building a massive facility in nearby Haywood County. It is the 10th challenge that Ford has hosted in cities like Austin, Detroit, Mexico City, and Miami where 18 community-focused mobility pilot projects have secured more than $1 million in grant funding.

The Memphis Challenge offers successful entrepreneurs up to $150,000 each to deploy mobility solutions across the city in one or more of four areas:

  1. Safe access to transportation: Providing a sense of safety to women, children and other vulnerable groups leaving home to get into a vehicle.
  2. Safety through the entire mobility journey: A door-to-door solution that ensures a safe and secure environment for commuting.
  3. Personal vehicle: Accessibility to personal vehicles, where ownership may not be feasible.
  4. Understanding the total cost of mobility and car ownership: Affordable solutions to own a car that is legal and safe for the road, with insurance and regular maintenance.

Andre Fowlkes, President of lead partner Start Co., explains the program in this YouTube video. There’s also the Memphis Challenge Explore Report that prospective applicants are encouraged to review before selecting an area and submitting an application.

The deadline to apply is May 10 at this link.

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