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Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
April 11, 2024 | Katelyn Biefeldt

Dr. H.M. “Hash” Hashemian speaks of a bright nuclear future in Tennessee

Dr. Hashemian shared he is running for the President of American Nuclear Society.

The future of nuclear is bright in Tennessee, at least Dr. H.M. “Hash” Hashemian, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Analysis and Measurement Services (AMS), seems to think so. Hashemian and his company are some of the driving forces behind the nuclear push in Tennessee.

The well-dressed president welcomed the East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC) and friends to an “After Hours” event to mix established business leaders with younger business professionals. It was complete with wine, charcuterie, live music, and good conversation. Dr. Wes Hines, the Head of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), introduced Hashemian as a man of threes.

“Good things come in threes, right? Hash has three doctorates, he is a fellow in three professional societies, he has authored three books, and while he’s had more recognitions than I can count, I’m going to name three of them to stick with the theme,” Hines joked. The room laughed.

Hashemian was invited and honored at the White House in 2011, was named the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Person of the Year Award for Tennessee in 2013, and has co-authored 17 patents.

“But above all that, Hash is best known for his servant leadership and community impact,” Hines said.

The native Iranian came to East Tennessee in 1974 to attend the UTK Department of Nuclear Engineering. He said, even 50 years ago, the college was recognized as one of the world’s best. He was incredibly focused on his studies, so much so that he couldn’t comprehend why anyone would care about Football.

“Things change, I guess,” he laughed, sharing that 50 years later he has five season tickets to every home Volunteer Football game.

While enjoying football, Hashemian built a nuclear services empire in East Tennessee. His company, AMS, tests sensors, cables, and systems at nuclear power plant facilities across the world to prevent issues. Now, he hopes to help establish Tennessee as the leader in nuclear energy.

“The governor selected 15 people to serve on the TN Nuclear Advisory Council, and I’m one of them. We are ready to make Tennessee the focal point of the country for clean nuclear energy,” he said.

Hashemian is in a valuable position to make it happen. He revealed at the event that he is running for the President of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).

He recognized other Tennessee-based companies that are making an impact in the nuclear field: Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC), X-energy, and Type One Energy Group, among others.

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