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March 23, 2023 | Tom Ballard

DOE issues first reports in its Pathways to Commercial Liftoff series

The reports provide the private sector and other industry partners a valuable, engagement-driven resource on how and when certain technologies - beginning with clean hydrogen, advanced nuclear, and long duration energy storage - can reach full scale deployment.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the launch of its Pathways to Commercial Liftoff, a set of reports that represent a new department-wide initiative to strengthen engagement between the public and private sectors to accelerate the commercialization and deployment of key clean energy technologies.

According to the news release accompanying the announcement, “The reports provide the private sector and other industry partners a valuable, engagement-driven resource on how and when certain technologies – beginning with clean hydrogen, advanced nuclear, and long duration energy storage – can reach full scale deployment. The new initiative underscores the critical role that DOE plays in enabling widespread commercial adoption of the clean energy technologies that are essential to meeting President Biden’s ambitious goals of achieving 100 percent clean electricity by 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by 2050.”

By 2030, the reports concluded that cumulative investments must increase from approximately $40 billion to $300 billion across the hydrogen, nuclear, and long duration energy storage sectors, with continued acceleration until 2050 required to stay on track to realize long-term decarbonization targets.

The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff reports were developed through extensive stakeholder engagement and a combination of system-level modeling and project-level financial modeling. Additional reports will be added in the coming months. The full reports can be accessed here.


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