Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

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April 22, 2024 | Tom Ballard

Department of Energy releases new roadmap for clean energy and another focused on adequate supply of energy

Both are focused on ensuring reliable clean energy sources.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued two documents last week that have implications for those who are focused on producing more clean energy and reducing the release of harmful emissions into the environment.

  • One of the documents was a new roadmap outlining solutions to speed up the interconnection of clean energy onto the nation’s transmission grid and clear the existing backlog of solar, wind, and battery projects seeking to be built. The “Transmission Interconnection Roadmap,” developed by DOE’s Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X), serves as a guide for transmission providers, interconnection customers, state agencies, federal regulators, transmission owners, load serving entities (LSEs), equipment manufacturers, consumer advocates, equity and energy justice communities, advocacy groups, consultants, and the research community, which includes DOE. The roadmap sets aggressive success targets for interconnection improvement by 2030 and outlines tools that will improve the process for connecting more clean energy projects to a reliable grid, while helping achieve the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of 100 percent clean electricity by 2035. Click here to learn more.
  • The other document is titled the “Future of Resource Adequacy.” In the report, DOE outlined a wide array of solutions to address increased electricity demand on the nation’s power grid while continuing to reduce emissions. The document affirms that investing in all technology solutions, including clean energy generation and storage, transmission expansion and enhancement, and efficiency and demand management tools can provide ample, reliable, and secure power in an age of rising electricity demand without having to rely on older, dirtier technologies. Click here to learn more about the report.

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