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Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
December 03, 2024 | Tom Ballard

City of Oak Ridge seeking input on its next comprehensive plan

First up is helping select the name of the 20-year document that will guide decision making.

The City of Oak Ridge is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan and needs the help of residents in selecting the name. The plan will help the City maintain its character, enhance the quality of life for its residents, and support economic development.

It will also serve as the City’s roadmap for the next 20 or so years and will guide City Council, Planning Commission, and City Staff in their decision-making related to land use, budgeting, and development.

Residents of Oak Ridge can weigh in on the name at this link and chose their favorite from three options:

  • Oak Ridge – A City Moving Forward;
  • Oak Ridge Centennial Vision: Defining Our Future Celebrating Our Past; or
  • Oak Ridge 2045: A Century of Heritage, A Future of Promise.

The City will be celebrating its 100th anniversary by the end of the 20-year Comprehensive Plan horizon. Throughout the planning process, the City will host a variety of community meetings, surveys, and engagement opportunities to allow Oak Ridgers to help shape the vision for Oak Ridge.

“This Comprehensive Plan update will include specific implementation steps and expand the existing City Blueprint to help guide decisions related to future land use, neighborhood planning, five small focus areas, transportation and infrastructure, and redevelopment and infill opportunities,” Planning and Development Director Wayne Blasius said.

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