The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials selected the organization for an Award of Merit in the category of project design.
UTK dedicates newest building at its Research Park
Innovation South is an 85,000-square-foot facility.
Featured storyBusiness Stories That Connect
Welcome to Teknovation Weekend. This special section brings you stories on established businesses here in Knoxville, as well as economic news and ongoing trends.
Three counties - Carter, Cocke, and Unicoi - receive $1 million each, while Johnson receives $500,000.
The app is in the development stage, but the two founders are hopeful to unveil a beta version within the next few months.
The goal is to engage the Volunteer community in events focused on understanding different perspectives, learning from the experiences of others, and leading with courage.
The honorees were announced at Thursday evening's Equal Opportunity Awards Gala.
Merchandise available at this weekend's game. All proceeds from sales will be donated to multiple organizations.