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January 08, 2013 | Tom Ballard

Brock to relinquish Managing Partner role at FourBridges Capital Advisors

(EDITOR’S NOTE: FourBridges Capital Advisors in Chattanooga issued the following release following the election of Charlie Brock as Chief Executive Officer of LaunchTN.)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (January 8, 2013) – FourBridges Capital Advisors today announced that Managing Partner Charlie Brock has been named President and CEO of Launch Tennessee, a Nashville-based organization that fosters the development of high-growth companies across the state.  

When Brock assumes his position with Launch Tennessee on Jan. 28, he will take a leave of absence as an employee of FourBridges and become Chairman of its Board of Directors. He also will continue to assist with strategic direction as FourBridges implements its recently announced plan for expansion.  

“At FourBridges, civic engagement is part of our corporate culture. Accepting this opportunity with Launch Tennessee is an extension of the firm’s commitment to our region and the issues that directly affect it,” Brock said. “As I change gears to focus on my new position, my responsibilities at FourBridges will be in the very capable and experienced hands of our investment banking experts.”  

Brock’s move comes at a transformative time for FourBridges. Currently, the company is in the process of implementing an aggressive strategy for growth and expansion. As part of that plan, Frank Williamson, Unum’s former Chief Investment Officer, joined FourBridges in December and will assume the role of Managing Partner in the coming weeks.

In the past year, Brock has immersed himself in the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. In fall 2011, he became CEO of CO.LAB, a Chattanooga-based startup accelerator that connects entrepreneurs with training, mentors and resources. He also is a general partner of the Chattanooga Renaissance Fund, a formalized angel capital fund that focuses on the city’s entrepreneurship and economic growth.  

In his new position, Brock will oversee the nine accelerators that operate under Launch Tennessee and lead the organization as it focuses on four key areas: entrepreneurship, commercialization, capital and outreach.  

“FourBridges has always been focused on helping owners, entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes achieve their financial and strategic objectives,” said Andy Stockett, a Managing Director at FourBridges. “Charlie has played an integral role in the success we’re experiencing at our firm. His passion for promoting small business development and job creation will serve Launch Tennessee well. We’re happy to ‘loan’ him to the organization, and we’re confident that he will be an effective representative of Chattanooga’s business culture.”   

About FourBridges Capital Advisors

FourBridges Capital is a middle market investment banking firm based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, that represents business owners in buying companies, selling companies and accessing capital for growth. The senior professionals at FourBridges have been corporate C-level executives (CEO or CFO), and they leverage their extensive capital markets experience to achieve superior results for their clients.

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