LawnStarter ranks 499 cities in friendliness for remote workers
Franklin, TN is best in the Volunteer State, placing #33 on the list.
LawnStarter, a lawn servicing company, has ranked 499 larger cities across the country in terms of the best communities for remote workers. The methodology that was used to arrive at the rankings considered eight factors: Access, Workspace, Financial Incentives, Connectivity, Safety, Affordability, Amenities, and Interest.
The top Tennessee city was Franklin which placed #33 nationally, besting three other Middle Tennessee cities – Murfreesboro (#54), Nashville (#141), and Clarksville (#153). Chattanooga at #163 was the highest-ranked non-midstate city followed by Knoxville (#271) and Memphis (#333).
A further description of the factors that LawnStarter considered included:
- Access was defined as remote job opportunities.
- Workspace included availability of both personal and co-working spaces and share of homes with one or less occupants per room.
- Financial incentives were defined as availability of city, county, or state incentive(s) for incoming remote workers.
- Connectivity covered everything from 5G home internet coverage to average internet speed, broadband coverage, and number of Internet Service Providers.
- Safety was the local crime index.
- Affordability included everything from internet costs and housing prices to the cost of utilities and the presence or absence of an income tax.
- Amenities were the availability of food delivery.
- Interest was the level of Google searches.
The rankings of the 499 cities can be found here.
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