Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
August 04, 2024 | Tom Ballard

STARS College Network doubling in size after one year

It is focused on ensuring that students from small-town and rural America have the information and support they need to enroll and graduate from the college or university of their choice.

The STARS College Network, a coalition formed in April 2023 by Vanderbilt University and 15 other prominent colleges and universities, will double in size after a year of landmark growth in creating opportunity for students from America’s small towns and rural communities.

The coalition — which is dedicated to ensuring that students from small-town and rural America have the information and support they need to enroll and graduate from the college or university of their choice — will welcome 16 new members this year: Amherst College, Auburn University, Dartmouth, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Southern Methodist University, Spelman College, Stanford University, University of Alabama, University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, University of California Berkeley, University of Denver, University of Notre Dame, University of South Carolina and The University of Texas at Austin.

STARS founding members are Brown University, California Institute of Technology, Case Western Reserve University, Colby College, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, University of Chicago, University of Iowa, University of Maryland, University of Southern California, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vanderbilt University, Washington University in St. Louis and Yale University.

STARS is led by the University of Chicago and Vanderbilt and headquartered at the University of Chicago.

Each STARS member combines its own resources with STARS philanthropy to support pipeline programs and recruiting efforts aimed at students from small-town and rural America, as well as offering financial aid and on-campus programs to support students who enroll.

“As one of co-founding institutions of STARS, we’re incredibly proud of the efforts we’ve made as an organization to reach small-town and rural students. The astounding numbers we’re seeing support the impact STARS is having,” said Douglas L. Christiansen, Vanderbilt’s Vice Provost for University Affairs and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid. “With the addition of 16 new members to the STARS organization, we’ll be able to double our reach and continue to encourage these students to set their sights for higher education.”

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