New UTK program gives students the ‘Vol Edge’
Vol Edge, a new career-readiness program, will launch in phases over the next three years until all stages are available in fall 2027.
This fall, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is piloting the innovative Vol Edge program to help ensure that UT students graduate as career-ready alumni.
In alignment with the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ career readiness competencies, Vol Edge will offer a flexible array of learning and engagement activities designed to foster well-being and purposeful life and career readiness preparation.
Research has shown that high-impact educational practices such as study abroad, internships, and undergraduate research are transformative for students’ personal development, career readiness, and overall success. By ensuring that every undergraduate student, regardless of their background or circumstance, has access to these transformative career-building experiences, UT will produce one of the nation’s most robust and talented employment pipelines, with graduates who are prepared to enter a diverse world.
“Vol Edge marks an exciting chapter in the university’s dedication to fostering student success,” said Amber Williams, vice provost for student success. “Crafted meticulously and thoughtfully, this initiative is poised to cast a transformative impact on the educational journey of every undergraduate scholar. Through customized prospects for academic advancement, hands-on learning, and individual growth, Vol Edge guarantees the enrichment of each student’s path, refinement of skills, and the unlocking of potential, leading them toward a more promising and empowered future.”
Vol Edge has four program requirements: self-paced learning, a transformative experience, intentional and ongoing reflection, and professional feedback. The program includes modular learning opportunities focused on well-being, preparing for a global workforce, leadership and teamwork, experiential learning opportunities such as study abroad, internships, and undergraduate research, and ongoing touchpoints to assist scholars in translating their collegiate experience into their job and graduate school search.
The state’s premier public university, UT is drawing more students than ever to its highly regarded academic programs and the Volunteer experience. By creating a program aligned with its strategic vision, UT is enriching the student experience, improving outcomes, and changing how universities think about student success.
Vol Edge will launch in phases over the next three years until all stages are available in fall 2027.
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