Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
December 03, 2017 | Tom Ballard

BizFoundry holds open house for new space, unveils new magazine

Biz FoundryThe BizFoundry held the grand opening for its new space in Cookeville and also unveiled its new magazine, Start Here, on Thursday night. Jeff Brown, the non-profit’s always energetic leader, was buzy thanking everyone – from his board members to local businesses that made contributions of services and equipment, interns and just about anyone you could imagine.

The building at 114 North Cedar Avenue is within walking distance of Cookeville’s downtown and the Tennessee Tech University (TTU) campus. The relationship with the college was on display Thursday night with Gigamunch, a start-up founded by a TTU student, providing the food. Also in attendance was Charlie Jordan, another TTU student entrepreneur who founded SafeSurv, a company that participated in the recent “The Works” accelerator hosted by the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center.

There’s still some renovation work to be completed.

BizFoundry Front DoorBizFoundry - Coworking

BizFoundry - Message

(Left to Right): The entrance, co-working space at the entrance, and one of the many inspirational messages posted above the small, walled offices that are on the hallway adjacent to the co-working area.)


BizFoundry - Jeff Brown

BizFoundry - Gigamunch

(Left to Right): Brown speaks to those attending the open house and the sign for Gigamunch, a BizFoundry graduate that provided the international food.



Start Here is part of Brown’s efforts to encourage more entrepreneurship in the Upper Cumberland area. To do so, the inaugural issue of the magazine includes profiles on nine individuals who have been successful in starting businesses in the region.

BizFoundry Magazine

This is the cover of the inaugural issue of Start Here.





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