Stories of Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship in the Southeast

Knoxville Business News Tennessee Mountain Scenery Background
August 10, 2015 | Tom Ballard

“MEDIAWORKS” #9: Evolvr


(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Knoxville Entrepreneur Center is hosting its second annual “MediaWorks Demo Day” late this afternoon at the Square Room on Market Square. If you have not registered, the event is sold out, but there is an “after party” starting at 7:30 p.m. at Cocoa Moon. Here is another of the profiles on the nine companies participating in this year’s start-up accelerator.)

Evolvr Media is a current participant in two area accelerators – “MediaWorks” and “GIGTANK.” We recently profiled the start-up in a two-part series (PART 1 and PART 2). We also have this snapshot from Patrick Teasdale, one of the Co-Founders.

  • When did you first conceive the idea for your new start-up? The idea that powers Evolvr came about as we were commissioned to make a film about the importance of virtual reality in the near future. As we talked out the idea more and more, we saw that instead of talking the talk, we needed to walk the walk. So a virtual reality company was born, Evolvr Media.
  • Describe the product or service you are offering? Evolvr Media is a virtual reality company, providing immersive video home tours to real estate agents in the luxury home market. Our services allow realtors to provide more home tours all from the comfort of their own office.
  • Why do you think the market is ready for this opportunity you are offering? The real estate market is ready for virtual reality because of the time involved in touring homes is inefficient and craves change. Also, the time for VR is now. Twenty years ago it was a one-off entertainment toy, but now it actually has marketable uses in business, home-life, and yes, still entertainment.
  • What do you think are the two or three biggest challenges you face that “MediaWorks” will be able to help you overcome? The challenges that Evolvr faces are crafting a concise business plan and obtaining market exposure. “MediaWorks” has already helped us achieve both of these. “MediaWorks” lives and breathes business plans and has taught us how to go about making our own. The one-on-one mentor time that “MediaWorks” provides us with business owners and market leaders has been incredibly valuable. Market exposure will culminate with “Demo Day,” where we will pitch the idea and services of Evolvr Media to investors and the public, but it’s also already happening with the natural draw that “MediaWorks” has in the local business sphere.
  • Finally, tell us a little about yourself such as hometown and education. Evolvr Media is made up of two co-founders, Tyler Hays and Patrick Teasdale. Both are UT grads that became close friends via attending UT basketball games. Tyler is an industrial engineer by day and local film maker by night. Patrick is an entrepreneur by day and writer/coffee addict by night. Both love to tell the stories that surround them, and hope to do that through the virtual reality medium.


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